
Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Diy: Harley Quinn Baseball Bat (Suicide Squad)


How to:

  1. I removed the shine with a knife, you can do it with sandpaper too however I put on finish to protect the paint which created a shine either way. (optional)
  2. Draw out the "GOOD NIGHT" onto your bat. I used the font "Georgia" in Microsoft word to get my template, I traced them onto paper and got my desired size (you can print it out). Cut out the letters and taped the sheet to bat.
  3. Now paint it red, I added shading using black paint but that's optional.
  4.  Then I outlined the letters with a black marker.
  5. Drew and painted on the blue and red diamond triangles, and the black line above and under. (Don't have the rest of the picture >.<)
  6. I torn around 1 inch wide strands of white fabric (ripping it made it look more torn and used) rapped it round the bottom of the bat and secured it with fabric glue.
  7. Then to make it look used and old you can literally rub you hands in dirt and then onto the bat or use brown paint and add shading.
  8. The words written, I used a black marker and wrote out the lullaby sang by Harley in one of the games , I had space left so I just wrote in a quote "You lock up the weirdos, the crooks and the geeks!  Your a hero to all of the boys in blue, But this time, puddin, the joke's on YOU!"
  9. And to finish it i went around a couple words in red marker, not any specific all random and added mod podge to protect the paint.

For reference Images, I used a variety I found on google especially screenshots from the movie.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

About me

I’m Maisie Ross or Mai for short, I’m an 18 year old born on new years eve ^.^ I’m a person who’s trying to figure out what I want to do, right now I’m thinking of going into working in a vet or being a dog trainer. While I study I enjoy anime, hentai, video games, cosplay, tv shows, you know your typical girl things >.< Ohh I also I’m a cam girl every now and then, you know I’m a lewd girl and I have needs >_<
  • I am 18 years old.
  • I am bisexual atleast I think.
  • I have been cosplaying since 2015 (not that long)
  • Childhood anime is Dragon ball.
  • I’m a Digimon person not pokemon, but I play pokemon go.